Nike Case Study
SPARQ Sensory Performance program to develop a vision testing system for high end athletes.

Case Studies
Olea manufactures the Kiosk for NIKE as an OEM manufacturer and is responsible for deployment, installation and field service worldwide. Machines are installed in the US and in Europe with NBA, MLB, NFL, Premier League Soccer, Elite Universities and Elite training centers.
Nearly 4 years ago Olea was approached by a division of NIKE called SPARQ with a skunkworks type program to develop a vision testing system for high end athletes. For many years NIKE had been working behind the scenes with NIKE athletes to make them better on everything from basic strength training to skills and even vision. An example would be a wide receiver that might have everything on paper but just keeps fumbling passes when they hit his hand. For many years NIKE had worked with Dr. Al Reichow the Michael Jordan of the vision world. Dr. Al was able through analog testing to diagnose precisely what was wrong with an athlete’s vision and in most cases correct it. SPARQ’s mandate within NIKE was to create a digital version of this testing that could be replicated over and over.
After meeting with Olea NIKE decided that Olea was the innovative type of company they wanted to work with over the next several years to create this revolutionary machine. After a few iterations and testing the final result was a machine unlike anything else. Many of the tests run on the machine are designed to test an athlete’s reaction time and hand eye coordination. During these tests the athlete is eye level with the monitor and can be pounding on the screen fast and hard for up to 1 minute at a time.
The Kiosk also features a 24” 3D monitor that works in conjunction with an iPod touch and 3D glasses to test a user’s depth perception and ability to adjust their vision from near to far quickly (think quarter back receiving a snap and then looking up for a pass). When this can happen quicker it literally puts an athlete one step ahead.
Once an athlete has run through the 12 step testing process with an eye care professional they are then “prescribed” a workout regimen to improve their weak spots. Enter NIKE Strobes glasses. The glasses are essentially LCD screens that can flicker at various rates to take away frames of vision. Imagine running out to receive a pass but only being allowed to see for 1 second at a time. You might see the ball 2 or 3 times before it’s supposed to be in your hands. This forces the brain to speed up and anticipate the balls next move. The machine doesn’t diagnose vision itself but works to determine what the brain is choosing to see based on what the eyeball is feeding it. In there is where an Athletes Sensory Performance lies and 80% of sensory is through vision.
Olea manufactures the Kiosk for NIKE as an OEM manufacturer and is responsible for deployment, installation and field service worldwide. Machines are installed in the US and in Europe with NBA, MLB, NFL, Premier League Soccer, Elite Universities and Elite training centers.
Machine Facts: 7.5’ Tall weight nearly 950lbs 42” LCD Touch can travel 36” to adjust for athletes height 24” 3D Monitor exposed when 42” monitor is lowered down iPod Touch connected via private WiFi network High end Dell Gaming PC system Custom formulated Powder coat paint finishes Bose Speaker system
Nike SPARQ Sensory Training Station
The Nike SPARQ Sensory Training-only version of the Nike SPARQ Sensory Station
Brushed Aluminum Panels
Allowing the kiosk to blend with existing fixtures.
The Kiosk Feature New NCR’s
Dual-sided thermal printing technology and barcode image scanner
Curve rear panel so the kiosk could be easily recognized in the stores.
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13845 Artesia Blvd.
Cerritos, California 90703
800 927 8063
562 924 2644
[email protected]
Manufactured in the USA