Order-entry kiosks are proving more popular in retail and restaurants settings as consumers often prefer the privacy and convenience that these kiosks offer. While these kiosks offer substantial benefits to the business owner, the growth in the usage of these devices has largely been driven by consumer demand. In recent years, there has been a profound shift in consumers’ desire to be in…
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Today, the emphasis of improving user experience is more important than ever as improved user experience builds repeat and loyal customers who will be more likely to share your product or service with friends and family. One way that customer experience can be significantly improved and streamlined is through the use of multi-touch kiosks. The following are a few examples of industries that…
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Since their debut in 1996, internet kiosks have become regularly used in retail and other entertainment spheres. In addition to providing convenient access to the end user, these kiosk machines also can be a tremendous source of revenue for their owners. These internet kiosks drive profits by offering operators the ability to provide a much-needed service to a very wide audience. While the…
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Malware attacks can cripple a company’s infrastructure. Protecting your organization from hidden malicious code is an ongoing challenge for all. As recent headlines have shown (Duqu, Stuxnet, Flame, etc.), targeted malware attacks are on the rise. Many of these attacks are now coming into secure facilities via external media and devices requiring IT and security professionals to find new tools and solutions to…
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More and more people are discovering that internet kiosks can be a reliable source of passive income. Owning an internet kiosk business allows one to make money around -the-clock and with a very minimal time or monetary commitment needed for operation. While these kiosks are no longer a novel concept in themselves, generating income from them is still something new to many. Here…
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The use of iPad kiosk stands are providing cost savings benefits in numerous industries today. Small businesses, in particular, are benefiting greatly from the unique advantages created by these systems. When integrated with the right hardware, iPad table and floor mounts can serve as a cost effective point of sales (POS) system. In particular, restaurants, retail establishments and grocery stores are seeing the…
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