Lead Generation Kiosks

Etc., Kiosk Applications

Kiosks can be very useful tools in proliferating information about products and services to consumers. A kiosk can also provide a valuable gateway for potential customers to request contact by a representative with more information, or set up appointments such as consultations by a dermatologist, in home estimates by a window salesman, inspections for heating and cooling systems, apartment home viewings, etc. Any salesperson will agree that a “warm lead,” which is the name given to a customer who has asked to be contacted or has called in, is far more likely to end with a sale. Presenting consumers with dynamic interactive information will intrigue them and create interest in a company’s product or service over a competitor’s product that is being advertised the old fashion way; with pamphlets and brochures.

Aside from being more engaging, an informational and lead generating kiosk is green by means of eliminating the need for printed media, which will likely just end up in the trash, or even worse, the parking lot. Pamphlets and fliers have very little staying power in consumer’s minds while the cool kiosk with the friendly avatar and stunning product images or “how to” tutorials, will likely make an impression. How many times have you come out of a mall or a concert and had a flier on your windshield? If you are like most people you see it as a nuisance and just take it off the windshield without even glancing at it. Annoying potential customers is not a good sales tactic, educating customers in an entertaining way is.

Olea Lead Generation Kiosk

Depending on the amount of information you are trying to get from a potential customer to qualify and contact them, and the robustness of your graphics, videos, and user interface, the investment in the software will vary. Also consider where and how the information/lead is delivered. Is it through e-mail? Is it through a private server? These are all questions you will need to consider when deciding what will work best for you. With regard to the hardware, an informational and lead generating kiosk can be fairly simple. A CPU and a touch screen would be your barebones configuration. However, there are many other peripherals that could be added to further engage the customer. Examples of additional hardware and added functionalities used in lead generating kiosks include: speakers for audio content, web cam for facial recognition and tracking user demographics, thermal printers for confirmations or promotional items like coupons, swipe card and barcode readers making it easy for users to leave contact information using an ID, an industrial grade physical keyboard for answering open ended questions that might be laborious to answer via an on-screen virtual keyboard.

No matter what your product or service is, at Olea we can help you strategize and develop the perfect lead generating kiosk for your business. Give us a call and ask to speak to one of our kiosk consultants today!

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13845 Artesia Blvd.
Cerritos, California 90703
800 927 8063
562 924 2644
[email protected]
Manufactured in the USA

Please fill out the form below for an immediate consultation or a quote, we will contact you as quickly as we can. Thanks!
Tell us about your application, project scope and requirements. Or give us a call!
Olea Kiosks Inc. 13845 Artesia Blvd. Cerritos, California 90703
p: 800 927 8063
p: 562 924 2644
[email protected]
Manufactured in the USA [related-links][the_application_list]
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